Mark Horton
Mark Horton (aka Ratty) (b 1950) Editor of Bridge Magazine since 1995. Works free-lance on all aspects of bridge. One of the founders of Five Aces Books, the UK's newest bridge book publishers. His latest book, The Mammoth Book of Bridge, is already a best seller on both sides of the Atlantic, and he is currently working on five new titles, three of which will be published this year. |
Personal Note from Anna: Many people wonder how the nickname "Ratty" came about. Well, naming no names, many years ago Mark had a girlfriend who called him "Marky-Mouse". When they eventually parted company, the lady was none too pleased, and started to refer to him as "Marky-Rat". Sadly for Mark, this stuck, gradually becoming shorted to Ratty or (particularly by Anna) to Ratty-Darling. We would like to make it quite clear that this nickname actually has no foundation in truth! However, people meeting Ratty for the first time do need some forewarning, because he was born without a volume control and is, without doubt, one of the noisiest people we know! |