"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Mark and Anna Newton (married 20th March 2024)

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Thank you ...

Our special ECats Cats thank all of the people who have offered free practical help in many ways:
ECatsBridge Bullet First of all, we must not forget all the wonderful heat organisers - the people who set it up at each club, and make it happen. Those who set up the hands, get out the tables and chairs, direct for the evening and then score up. Without you it just wouldn't happen - Mark and I think you are wonderful!
ECatsBridge Bullet To the EBU who waive their P2P charge for affiliated clubs playing in the event, enabling them to send us additonal funds for the charity. And they also generously waive the £1.80 per club licence fee.
ECatsBridge Bullet To our commentators who have given their time and expertise, either this year or in previous years, to give you the fun of reading their commentary and seeing whether they got it right
ECatsBridge Bullet To the many people who help us in other ways so that we can get the show on the road