"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Mark and Anna Newton (married 20th March 2024)

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Irish Bridge Union Simultaneous Pairs

Logo Results for the Irish Bridge Union Simultaneous Pairs

Welcome to the results pages for the Irish Bridge Union Autumn Pairs

For more information click here

IBU Autumn Sims Monday
Session 3488
Date of Event: 04 November 2024

IBU Autumn Sims Tuesday
Session 4138
Date of Event: 05 November 2024

IBU Autumn Sims Wednesday
Session 5446
Date of Event: 06 November 2024

IBU Autumn Sims Thursday
Session 6427
Date of Event: 07 November 2024

IBU Autumn Sims Friday
Session 7462
Date of Event: 08 November 2024


There is no guarantee that any of the clubs listed on our maps will be holding a heat and anyone wishing to visit these clubs should contact them to ensure that the heat will be staged and also to check whether or not they are able to accept visitors.

if we are running sessions for both EBU affiliated and non-affiliated clubs, the map will show all clubs so if you are planning to play in a club that you don't know, and wish to be included in the overall master points, you must check with them to ensure they are affiliated or you won't be able to recieve any points. Occasionally a charity event will be held where no points are awarded so do check the more info page for the event if you are not sure.

Find the link above to the session you played in, and click on it - this will take you to the special results pages where, on your left you will see a number of links - the club link will take you to the list of participating clubs, then click on your club name to get your own results - click on your own name and you will see your score card and how you did on each board. All the frequencies are there as well, of course, so do have a look round and you should find lots of information.

Bear in mind that your club results will be different from the overall result, as it is re-scored across the whole field; if you are puzzled by this, click here to find the explanation! If you have other queries - look in the FAQ Section linked on the right of this page, and you may well find the answers!